structural transormations of photoswitchable complexes captured by quantitative XANES
by LIU Xuanran
1. Introduction to XANES
2. Finite difference method
a) Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Green formalism
b) multi-electronic extension using the “Time-Dependent DFT”
c) Convolution with the FDMNES
3. Result of calcutaions for ground states of Febpy, Fedcpp and Fe-terpy: by using the coordinates of the molecule, we calculate the XANES by FDMNES and compared it to the experimental spectrums.
4. Simulation of the excited state by deformation of the molecule: we deform the molecule manually to simulate the reaction of the molecule when excited by the X-ray laser. And compared it to the experimental spectrum.
5. using of machine learning
a) Approximation of XANES as a function of structural parameters
b) Extra free method
c) Quadratic refression
d) Direct prediction of structure parameters from experimental XANES
e) Extra free methods
f) Convolutional neural networks