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24–27 Jun 2019
Seminarhaus Grainau
Europe/Berlin timezone

Overview of the existing powder diffraction capabilities at MLZ and future prospects

25 Jun 2019, 14:30



Anatoliy Senyshyn


Powder diffraction is the experimental technique, which stands on the forefront of the material characterisation, delivering the key information about the crystal structure. Being perfectly parametrized and standardized technique, the powder diffraction is in broad use and X-ray powder diffractometer is a part of equipment in nearly every lab specializing on materials research.
Neutron powder diffraction as a result of combining its strengths with the well-known advantages of neutrons provide unique structural information, whose use can be mostly explored in complementarity to X-ray or electron diffraction. The powder diffractometers serve as working horse of every research reactor facility. In the current contribution the Overview of the available powder diffraction capabilities at MLZ will be made along with the future prospects.

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