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24–27 Jun 2019
Seminarhaus Grainau
Europe/Berlin timezone

Sample changes with the reflectometer MARIA

25 Jun 2019, 15:30
Seminar from, Basement

Seminar from, Basement


Alexandros Koutsioumpas (JCNS)


Very frequently in soft matter studies at the solid liquid interface and in an effort to reduce the ambiguity of the model that is used for fitting neutron reflectivity experimental data, arises the need for the manipulation of the scattering length density of the solvent (usually water). Manual exchange of solvent is laborious while the control of the rate of solvent exchange is difficult. For these reasons we have developed and automatic system for such investigations, capable of automating the exchange of up to 5 solvent contrasts of 4 different solid/liquid cells at the MARIA reflectometer. We give examples of operation and representative data sets acquired by users.

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