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24–27 Jun 2019
Seminarhaus Grainau
Europe/Berlin timezone

Conversion strategy for the FRM II compact core

27 Jun 2019, 11:00
Large Seminar room

Large Seminar room

Plenary talk (only invited speakers) Plenary Session 5


Dr Christian Reiter (FRM II)


To support the global nonproliferation efforts, FRM II is actively working towards the conversion of its compact fuel element to a uranium enrichment, which is significantly lower than its current enrichment of 93%. Thereby, it is of utmost importance that the scientific performance does not suffer and that such new fuel element fits in the current core geometry to provide a continuous operation. This cannot be achieved with the currently available fuel systems, which therefore, requires a new high-density fuel to be developed and qualified to be used in high performance research reactors. Based on a preliminary parameter study, two promising core designs are presented: One using dispersed, high-density U3Si2 and a more promising one using a monolithic uranium-molybdenum alloy. Not only new fuel fabrications methods have to be developed, also, the changed material properties like thermal conductivity have to be measured.

Primary author

Dr Christian Reiter (FRM II)


Mr Bruno Baumeister (FRM II) Mr Christian Steyer (FRM II) Prof. Winfried Petry (FRM II)

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