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19–21 Dec 2018
gate Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum
Europe/Berlin timezone


Reflectivity in BornAgain

20 Dec 2018, 12:00
Conference room A (ground floor) (gate Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum)

Conference room A (ground floor)

gate Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum

Lichtenbergstraße 8 85748 Garching bei München


Reflectivity in BornAgain: Materials, Introduction to reflectivity

  • Dmitry Yurov (JCNS at MLZ, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

Reflectivity in BornAgain: Fit

  • Dmitry Yurov (JCNS at MLZ, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
The timetable has not been filled yet.