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Joint Annual Report 2019 of the MLZ and FRM II

UBA 03 33 - Seminar room (MLZ)

UBA 03 33 - Seminar room


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The Joint Annual Report of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) and FRM II presents selected research performed at our institute. We want to illustrate the great variety and excellence of experiments and developments.

Therefore, we call for contributions on scientific results achieved at the MLZ and published in 2019 as well as major instrumental or methodical developments, but also news from the reactor division. Among all accepted scientific reports, the editors will choose a few scientific highlights, presented in an easy-to-understand executive summary.

The report addresses mainly scientists; however, an effort should be made to explain the results obtained to a non-expert. The emphasis of the annual report 2019 will be again on the scientific outcome of the instruments.

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