Neutrons for Science and Industry

Interface and inter-layer magnetism probed by polarized neutron reflectometry

by Prof. Subhankar Bedanta (NISER, Bhubaneswar)

Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar Passwort: 912797

Polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) has been proven to be an ideal technique to probe layer-selective magnetization in magnetic multilayers. PNR has also been very useful to extract the interface magnetism in ferromagnetic (FM)/non-magnetic (NM) layers. I will discuss our recent results on FM/NM systems where we have considered various FMs (Co, Fe, YIG etc.), and different types of NM such as insulator (Al2O3), organic semiconductor (OSC such as C60), and topological insulator (Bi2Se3) etc. With PNR we could extract the layer selective magnetization reversal in a FM/NM/FM trilayer system for which the results are explained in terms of a combined effect from uniaxial anisotropy, random anisotropy and dipolar interactions. Further in a FM /OSC system due to hybridization a spinterface may be created at the interface. With PNR we could evaluate a magnetic moment of ~ 3mB per C60 cage in a Fe/C60 bilayer system. I will also discuss our recent results on spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect with various high spin orbit coupling materials e.g. Bi2Se3, Mn2Au etc. I will discuss the PNR results in a Bi2Se3/YIG bilayer.

Organised by

Dr. Christian Franz
Dr. Christian Lang

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