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Neutrons for Science and Industry

Magnetic Skyrmionic Textures: from fundamentals to nanocomputing

by Dr Christoforos Moutafis (University of Manchester)

Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar

https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/61532699091 Passwort: 855847

Magnetic skyrmions are quasi-particle nanoscale magnetic spin configurations with a whirling vortex-like spin structure with distinct topological properties and intriguing dynamics. The recent demonstrations from various groups of room temperature chiral skyrmions and their dynamical response are a first step for controlling their behaviour. We will discuss our i) recent numerical results on Bloch-point mediated skyrmion annihiliation and ii) utilising distinct skyrmionic textures as information carriers for neuromorphic computing applications.

Organised by

Dr. Christian Franz
Dr. Jitae Park

VC Room link
Password: 853708