Zsolt Kasztovszky
(Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
09/09/2013, 18:00
Forever, art scientists, historians and museum curators are interested in the precise determination of the material composition and substructure analysis of historic objects. This scientific approach is essential as it can be employed to reveal the history of the sample, investigate the original material properties and even discover how the object has been restored in the past.
In this field...
Faycal Kharfi
(Deparmtent of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Ferhat Abbas-Sétif, Algeria)
09/09/2013, 18:00
In this work we provide a broad survey of developments in radiation transmission imaging techniques for archaeological and cultural heritage studies purpose.
In the domains of archaeology and cultural heritage, the imaging practitioner interprets the produced images to conclude about origin, chronology and making of technique of an ancient art object. In addition to this survey, we present...
Zoltán Kis
(Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
09/09/2013, 18:00
Non-destructive analysis has become more and more important for archaeology, especially in the case of ELD (extra-long distance) trade items in prehistory. One of the potential highlights for such objects is high pressure metamorphites („jadeites”) and related rocks playing a crucial part in European prehistoric long distance trade networks. The extremely rare, attractive and prestigious...
Sasiphan Khaweerat
(Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology)
09/09/2013, 18:00
For the past few years, neutron radiography in Thailand has been dramatically developed since the IAEA Coordinated Research Project titled “Application of 3D Neutron Imaging and Tomography in Cultural Heritage Research” was initiated and Thailand was chosen to participate in the project. In order to preserve the original characters of cultural heritage for our future generations, it is...
Richard Livingston
(University of Maryland)
09/09/2013, 18:00
A systematic characterization was undertaken of the lithology and physical properties of eight building stones used in the monumental architecture of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., from 1847 onward. The Smithsonian building stones make up a representative sample of the American dimension stone industry with respect to style, quarrying techniques and geology. The stones...
joze rant Rant
(ret. from J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
09/09/2013, 18:00
By the end of 2003 during the archaeological excavations near the village Drnovo on the construction site of future European highway Ljubljana-Zagreb (Croatia) an intact Roman ceramic pot assumingly containing a treasure find was unearthed The ceramic pot was dated into the 2nd half of the 3rd century A.D. In order to get some preliminary information for the archaeologists and to properly...
Christian Stieghorst
(University of Mainz - Institute of Nuclear Chemistry)
09/09/2013, 18:00
Terrestrial carbonate deposits such as speleothems, travertine and tufa are important archives for paleoclimate. Carbonate deposits also form in Roman aqueducts, and these have recently been proposed as an alternative high-resolution climate proxy. The number of layers in the carbonates can be used to establish how long an aqueduct functioned, and the stable oxygen isotope distribution in the...
Amelie Nusser
09/09/2013, 18:00
Some wooden artefacts of cultural heritage were treated with carbolineum as a preservation agent like the baroque epitaph Reyer (1704) at the St. Laurentius church in Tönning (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). The subsequent constant migration of carbolineum through the layers of paint to the surface has had a detrimental effect on the aesthetic appearance of the epitaph.
Carbolineum is an oily,...
Jacopo Corsi
(University of Turin, Physics Department)
09/09/2013, 18:00
The silver coinage of the ancient Celtic peoples settled in northern Italy is, even now, a topic with many unsolved problems, such as chronology, attributions, relationships between series and emissions through time (from IV to I century B.C.). In order to provide numismatists with new data for metrological studies, which require average weights of the emissions and the knowledge of their...
Massimo Rogante
(Rogante Engineering Office)
09/09/2013, 18:00
The Academia Georgica Treiensis is one of the oldest Italian Academies, created in the XV century for the main interests of poetry and literature. In the XVIII century, influenced by the Enlightenment ideas, the Academy decided to renovate its interests “encouraging rational and practical studies to improve agriculture and industry and to honour sciences, literature and arts” [1]. The...
(CAMPUS TECNOLOGICO E NUCLEAR. IST, Univ. Técnica de Lisboa), Prof.
Maria Isabel Prudêncio
(Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
09/09/2013, 18:00
The city of Lisbon has in situ sixteenth-eighteenth -century tiles that sometimes were decontextualized of its original architectural framework and landscape, owing to the deep urban changes operated in the following centuries.
There are several examples in the various city gardens and ancient buildings all over Lisbon and other cities such as: (i) 16th century tile panel near the floor in...
Zoltán Kis
(Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
09/09/2013, 18:00
Efforts are being made at laboratories worldwide to develop Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) towards a position-sensitive technique. It was proven earlier that the complete scanning with a few-mm-resolution is only practical on small objects due to constrain of experiment time and neutron flux. A feasible alternative is the combination of neutron radiography with prompt gamma activation...
Zsolt Kasztovszky
(Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
09/09/2013, 18:00
Thirty archaeological samples from different regions of Romania and from different prehistorical periods were analyzed at the PGAA facility of the Budapest Neutron Centre: Iclod, Tzaga, Silagiu sites in Transylvania, Neolithic period; Cuina Turcului site at Iron Gates (on Danube border, between Romania and Serbia), Early Neolithic (Neolithisation) and Neolithic period; Magura site in Teleorman...
Frikkie De Beer
09/09/2013, 18:00
The art of Autoradiography with neutrons were described in various papers through examples of valuable paintings being successfully analysed – however, this paper describes a step-to-step procedure for the complete process to act as a guide line for the practice and procedure to the technique with the purpose to perform the process of Autoradiography with neutrons successfully. Although...
Rafhayudi Jamro
(Malaysian Nuclear Agency)
09/09/2013, 18:00
A Monte Carlo simulation of photon and neutron flux at the neutron radiography exposure room (NuR II) with various shielding material and with different sizes of beam port at Agensi Nuklear Malaysia was performed using the MCNP5 computer program. The objective of the work is to model the NuR II beam port with different sizes of holes and various materials to obtain radiation transport and...
Pardeshi Bharati
(B.G.College.Sangvi Under University of Pune,INDIA)
09/09/2013, 18:00
ABSTRACT: Ethno medicine practices are becoming a rising new trend in urban areas. Their healing processes generally consist of botanical therapies, herbal remedies and native ethomedical knowledge. Traditional medicinal plants are enriched with number of minerals and vitamins ,provide not only the natural nutrition but also that are useful in the treatment of different diseases without /less...