Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis II
- Richard Livingston (University of Maryland)
- Zsolt Kasztovszky (Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
- Judit Zöldföldi (Institute of Materials Testing, University of Stuttgart)
Richard Livingston
(University of Maryland)
11/09/2013, 14:00
There has been considerable interest in the application of nondestructive test methods for finding the lost mural of the Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy. This mural was thought to have be painted in 1505, but it was subsequently covered over by another mural in 1560. Most recently, it has been proposed to use a neutron-based elemental analysis...
Zsolt Kasztovszky
(Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
11/09/2013, 13:40
In 1995, the prototype of the Budapest prompt-gamma activation analysis facility has been installed on a guided thermal neutron beam of the Budapest Research Reactor. After precise engineering of the detector- and data acquisition system, designing proper shielding and establishing our PGAA library by series of standardisation measurements, the system was ready to explore possible analytical...
Judit Zoeldfoeldi
(MPA, Uni Stuttgart), Dr
Zsolt Kasztovszky
(Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department, MTA Centre for Energy Research)
11/09/2013, 14:20
Archaeological objects, like beads, gems, seals and small decorative objects made of lapis lazuli are widely distributed in the ancient East and some date back as early as the second half of the fourth millennium B.C. in Central Asia.
The chemical composition and mineralogy of lapis lazuli has been given considerable attention in the last decades. Non-destructive analytical techniques of...