Facilities II
- John Kettler (Institut für Nuklearen Brennstoffkreislauf, RWTH Aachen)
- Nikolay Kardjilov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
- Daniel Neike (Germany)
John Kettler
(RWTH Aachen - Institut für Nuklearen Brennstoffkreislauf)
12/09/2013, 09:00
The aim of our project - financed by BMBF and undertaken in cooperation by RWTH Aachen University, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and SIEMENS AG - is to study the feasibility of a compact neutron imaging system. The system will be based on a 14 MeV neutron source and an advanced detector system, with the first concept consisting of a commercial aSi-flat-panel-detector linked with an exclusive...
Daniel Neike
(Institute for Nuclear Fuel Cycle, RWTH University, Germany)
12/09/2013, 09:40
In cooperation between University, Research Center and Industry we develop a compact demonstration facility. A D-T neutron generator with energies of 14.1 MeV was selected as neutron source. Neutrons with high energy are able to penetrate large and dense objects, like concrete structures. Several simulation studies are in progress to identify critical aspects of neutron and photon transport....
Nikolay Kardjilov
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
12/09/2013, 09:20
The neutron imaging facility CONRAD at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) was upgraded as a part of the “Upgrade program for the cold neutron instrumentation” at HZB. The flight path of the facility was increased up to 10 m providing a larger beam size (field of view) of 20x20 cm2 with higher neutron flux density due to the new neutron guides with super mirror coating.
The characteristics of the...