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26–27 Apr 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Covalent counterparts of van-der-Waals magnets

26 Apr 2023, 15:30
UYM 03 40 - Small meeting room (Geb. Ost) (MLZ)

UYM 03 40 - Small meeting room (Geb. Ost)


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Istvan Kezsmarki (Uni Augsburg)


This talk provides an overview about magnetic and spectroscopic properties of a new class of magnets, TM2Mo3O8, composed of decorated honeycomb layers of transition metal (TM) ions. Although in terms of chemical bonding these compounds are three dimensional, the magnetic interactions have a strongly two-dimensional character, making them similar to van-der-Waals magnets. The two-dimanesional nature of the interactions combined with frustration arising from competing anisotropies gives rise to various exotic states and dynamical phenomena.

Primary author

Istvan Kezsmarki (Uni Augsburg)

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