Neutrons for Science and Industry

HiCANS neutron sources – The HBS Project for a high brilliance accelerator based neutron source

by Dr Thomas Gutberlet (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

PH HS 3 (Physics Department)


Physics Department

Show room on map

Accelerator driven neutron sources with high brilliance neutron provision present an attractive alternative to classical neutron sources of fission reactors and spallation sources to provide scientist with neutrons to probe and analyze the structure and dynamics of matter. With the advent of high current proton accelerator systems, a novel class of such neutron facilities can be established termed High-Current Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (HiCANS). Basic features of HBS are a high current proton accelerator, a compact neutron production and moderator unit and an optimized neutron transport system to provide thermal and cold neutrons with high brilliance and a full suite of high performing epithermal, thermal and cold neutron instruments.

The Jülich Centre for Neutron Science is leading a project to develop, design and demonstrate such a novel accelerator driven high-brilliance neutron sources (HBS) as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to current low- and medium-flux reactor and spallation sources. The HBS will consist of a 70 MeV energy and 100 mA current pulsed proton linear accelerator, a compact neutron production and moderator unit with a novel high power tantal target, optimized low dimensional thermal and cold moderators and efficient neutron transport systems to provide thermal and cold neutrons with high brilliance. Embedded within international collaboration with partners from Germany, Europe and Japan the Jülich HBS project will offer flexible solutions to the scientific.

An update will be given on the current status of the project, the next steps, milestones and the vision for the next generation of neutron sources and the future neutron landscape in Europe. 

Organized by

Dr. Jitae Park
Dr. Theresia Heiden-Hecht
Dr. Apostolos Vagias

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