Neutrons for Science and Industry

Status and prospects of China Spallation Neutron Source CSNS

by Prof. Tianjiao Liang (Institute of High Engery Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)

PH HS 3 (Physics Department)


Physics Department

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The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is an accelerator based multidiscipline user facility constructed in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. The CSNS complex consists of a negative hydrogen linear accelerator, a rapid cycling proton synchrotron accelerating the beam to 1.6 GeV energy, a solid tungsten target station, and neutron instruments for neutron scattering applications. The facility operates at 25 Hz repetition rate with an initial design beam power of 100 kW and is upgradeable to 500 kW. 

The current status of the CSNS facility is introduced covering design, operations, improvement, science and industry application, user service and facility development. After three neutron instruments, the general-purpose powder diffractometer, the multi-purpose reflectometer and the small angle neutron scattering instrument opened to users in 2018, CSNS ramped the beam power from 20kW to 140kW now and consistently achieved an availability of more than 95% and neutron beamtime of about 5000 hours per year. Eight neutron instruments, include the engineering material diffractometer, the total scattering instrument MPI, the atmospheric neutron irradiation instrument, the energy resolution neutron imaging, the VSANS, the high energy inelastic spectrometer, the high pressure diffractometer and the high resolution diffractometer, are under construction since 2018 and will complete this year, which the MPI opened to user at 2021 and five instruments start commissioning since last year. The design, commissioning and performance of these instruments is outlined. The CSNS-II project started this year that would increase the proton beam power to 500kW and build 11 more neutron instruments and proton/muon experimental station is also described. 

Organised by

Dr. Jitae Park
Dr. Theresia Heiden-Hecht
Dr. Apostolos Vagias

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