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19–22 Jun 2017
Seminarhaus Grainau
Europe/Berlin timezone

Lithium Distribution inside Li-Ion-Batteries, effect of fatigue/aging

21 Jun 2017, 11:30
Library (Seminarhaus Grainau)


Seminarhaus Grainau

Alpspitzstr. 6, 82491 Grainau
Short talk Parallel Session


Martin Muehlbauer


Lithium-ion batteries are part of our everyday life powering innumerable devices. Especially lately the number of applications related to electromobility and energy storage is increasing. Besides higher energy/power density and rate capability this calls for further improvements the life span of Li-ion cells. There are still some processes inside lithium-ion batteries that are not understood completely. Therefore, single cells or even integrated batteries have to be investigated under real operating conditions. Neutrons offer a capability to conduct in operando investigations on standard size Li-ion cells making it possible to follow structural changes, phase transitions or cation exchange reactions even under different environmental conditions [1,2]. The homogeneity of the lithiation states inside different Li-ion cells has been determined by spatially resolved neutron diffraction [3]. Recent studies have shown that the observed inhomogeneity of the lithium concentration is dependent on fatigue and aging [4]. **Keywords**: Li-ion batteries, fatigue, neutron, diffraction **References** [1] A. Senyshyn, M.J. Mühlbauer, O. Dolotko, H. Ehrenberg., Journal of Power Sources 282 235-240 (2015). [2] O. Dolotko, A. Senyshyn, M.J. Mühlbauer, K. Nikolowski, H. Ehrenberg, Journal of Power Sources, 245 197-203 (2014). [3] A. Senyshyn, M.J. Mühlbauer, O. Dolotko, M. Hofmann, H. Ehrenberg, Nature Scientific Reports, 5, 18380 (2015), doi: 10.1038/srep18380. [4] M.J. Mühlbauer, O. Dolotko, M. Hofmann, H. Ehrenberg, A. Senyshyn, Journal of Power Sources, 348 145-149 (2017).

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