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Neutrons for Science and Industry

[Students' Talk] 1. Residual Stress Measurement in Additively Manufactured Samples / 2. Investigating Magnetic Transitions in Single Crystals Using PPMS, XRD, and Neutron Scattering

by Ms Leonie Danninger (TU München), Mr Yunxiao Liu (TU München)

PH HS 3 (Physics Department)


Physics Department

Show room on map

1. Residual Stress Measurement in Additively Manufactured Samples [L. Danninger]

This presentation explores residual stress and microstructural characteristics in Ti-6Al-4V components manufactured using WAAM and CLAD techniques. Focusing on neutron diffraction measurements, the study highlights key differences in stress profiles, microstructures, and heat-affected zones, emphasizing the practical implications of these findings for aerospace and automotive applications.

2. Investigating Magnetic Transitions in Single Crystals Using PPMS, XRD, and Neutron Scattering [Y. Liu]

In this project, we examine the magnetization behavior of single crystals by integrating measurements from the Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and neutron scattering techniques. This presentation introduces the principles of neutron scattering, comparing Triple Axis and Time of Flight (TOF) systems by highlighting their respective advantages and limitations. Our findings demonstrate how neutron scattering complements PPMS and XRD results, providing comprehensive insights into the magnetic transitions of our single crystals and advancing the objectives of our research project.

Organized by

Dr. Debasish Saha
Dr. Jitae Park

VC Room link
password: 853708