REFSANS is the horizontal TOF reflectometer at the MLZ in Garching. It is designed to enable reflectometry and GISANS studies of solid/liquid, solid/air and liquid/air interfaces. By using a white incident neutron beam and TOF analysis, REFSANS gives simultaneous access to a range of Q values, which is especially useful to study air-liquid interfaces or kinetic phenomena.
A six chopper system allows a tunable wavelength resolution, from 0.2 % up to 10%. The neutron optics of REFSANS comprises neutron guide elements with different channels and special apertures to provide, on the one hand, slit smeared beams for conventional reflectometry and, on the other hand, point focused beams for GISANS measurements. Furthermore, it is possible to independently control the horizontal and vertical beam divergence, in dependence on the sample characteristics.
Given the TOF nature of REFSANS, the investigation of kinetic processes is possible thanks to the possibility to embrace a Q-range with a single instrumental setting. Time resolution can be pushed down to 30 s with data recorded in event-mode: this feature makes possible to perform various time re-binnings in order to tune the resolution/ intensity trade-off after the experiment. Beside the typical sample environment, the realization of an electrochemical compact cell and the design of a humidity cell are in progress, in order to allow the investigations of electrode processes and of processes in a controlled atmosphere.