The Ohio State University Research Reactor (OSURR) is a pool type, light water moderated, uranium silicide fueled research reactor licensed for steady-state operating powers up to 500kWth. It provides a variety of functional testing facilities including near-core and in-core irradiation locations. A thermal neutron beam facility is available at OSURR, providing a small neutron beam ( 30 mm...
In 1990, seven research reactors (FRM I, RFR, FRG-1, FRJ2, FRG 2, FMRB, BER II) have been in operation for the field of neutron science in Germany. Since that time, five facilities have been decommissioned with one more (BER II) to be shut down by the end of 2019. Because of this trend of neutron sources going offline in Germany, it is becoming more and more difficult to train staff, to...
NECTAR is a superior beam-line with access to fission neutrons for non-destructive inspection of large and dense objects, where thermal neutrons or X-rays face limitations due to their comparatively low penetration. With the production of fission neutrons at the instrument [1], as well as neutrons interacting with beamline geometry, such as the collimator, gamma rays are produced in the...
The low flux neutron source AKR-2
Nico Bernt, Carsten Lange, Rico Hübscher
Institute of Power Engineering, Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
University of Technology Dresden
D-01062 Dresden
Tel./Fax: +49-351-463 33831, email:,
In 1990, 7 research reactors have been in operation in Germany for the field of neutron...