It has long been recognized that neutrons can compliment x-rays for imaging. This is due to their very different attenuation characteristics based on nuclear cross-section, which allows imaging of low Z materials through higher Z materials. Additionally one can use energy dependent Time of Flight
(ToF) imaging to exploit phenomenon like nuclear resonances for isotope and element specific...
We are carrying out a project of development of laser driven neutron source under the support of Japan Science and Technology agency (JST). We will introduce about the present status of the project, especially focused on repetitive neutron pulse generation system and 2D fast neutron imaging system using our original organic scintillation crystal for fast neutron detection.
We are investigating...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and collaborators have pioneered a novel short duration yet extremely intense neutron source using the short-pulse laser at LANL's Trident laser facility [1-5]. The Trident laser facility was until it’s closure in 2016 one of the most intense and powerful short-pulse lasers in the world, providing a very high contrast laser pulse of ~600 fs in duration,...