With the support of an international agency, [NeutronOptics Grenoble][1] has developed a [compact neutron camera for fast neutron tomography][2] using a PSI/RC-TriTec PP scintillator. This scintillator can be exchanged in-situ for thermal neutron or gamma scintillators to test for these beam components. The FOV with a [cooled 16-bit 1" Sony CCD][4] is 125x100 mm or 85x70 mm with 2750x2200...
Neutron beamlines of the Materials and Life science experimental Facility (MLF) utilizes short-pulsed neutrons produced by 3-GeV proton beam irradiation at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The most probable energy of neutrons produced in spallation reactions is around ~ MeV although high energy neutrons up to ~ GeV are also produced. Two beamlines, NOBORU and RADEN, are...
A new generation of the Lintech's neutron imaging device is under development, extending the capabilities of the previously patented solution [1]. Our device implements general design of the fast neutron imager, previously demonstrated spatial resolution just under 0.5 mm [2]. It operates in the event-by-event readout mode, acquiring energy, timing, and pulse shape information for all...
Various technologies have been developed to this date for the detection of fast neutrons, each having certain advantages and limitations at the same time. There is no one single device, which meets all the requirements of various experiments where fast neutrons have to be detected. Detectors with microchannel plates (MCPs), which were initially developed for the applications with very low...