The neutron radiography group at the Physics Institute III B, RWTH Aachen University, develops a multi-pixel camera for fast neutron radiography using an AmBe neutron source or a neutron generator.
So far, two camera prototypes were built: A single-pixel prototype and a 16-pixel camera. Both prototypes use stilbene scintillator cuboids of size 5x5x25 mm³ for neutron detection. The created...
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is near-completion of a quasi-monoenergetic neutron source for fast-neutron imaging. The source is expected to produce 10-MeV neutrons with an on-axis flux of ~1011 per second per steradian through a collimated aperture with a ~7-degree opening angle. The application for this source is imaging of low-Z materials heavily shielded by high-Z...
At MLZ, we have three different methods using cold, thermal, and fast neutrons for the determination of the elemental composition in various samples. (1) Cold neutrons are guided to the Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) facility in the Neutron Guide Hall West. The PGAA method is based on the measurement of the prompt gamma radiation released during the de-excitation of the compound...