November 23rd 2020: Abstract submission
December 18th 2020: Acceptance of the abstracts
January 25th 2021: Article submission
topic: one or several scientific experiments
mainly conducted at MLZ
resulted in a scientific publication
handed in by author himself/herself or author is in cc of the email
essentials about experiment, highlighting importance of the results
including illustrating picture or graph
Scientific Reports/ Articles
headline: max. 70 characters (including blanks)
main text: max. 3350 characters; minus 400 characters for each image (including blanks)
at least one photo/graph illustrating your results
max. 1 additional coloured picture (instrumental setup, scientists)
max. 1 original reference
Scientific Highlights
resolution of the pictures more than 250 dpi (so a typical 4x4 inch (~10x10cm) image
should be at least 1000x1000 pixels) or vector graphics
include figure captions in article
send pictures and graphs as separate files (jpg, eps, pdf)