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Mar 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Synthesis of Polycrystalline Mixed System Rb3-xKxCu3AlO2(SO4)4

Mar 15, 2022, 3:49 PM
Young Crystallographers Lightning Talks(+poster) Young crystallographers Lightning Talks Young Crystallographers Lightning Talks


Clemens Scheiblich (LMU)


In our work we synthesized polycrystalline Rb3-xKxCu3AlO2(SO4)4 with varying Rb:K ratios. In the experiments we outlined the optimum growth conditions for Rb substituted alumoklyuchevskite synthesized from powder mixtures. First results suggest that Rb and K show a complete miscibility in the polycrystalline powder. In addition, O2 atmosphere is beneficial for building the synthesized phase. In accordance with literature, a change in magnetic properties was observed for different Rb:K ratios.

Primary author

Clemens Scheiblich (LMU)


Niclas Reitberger (LMU) Prof. Natalija vanWell (LMU)

Presentation materials