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Mar 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Technical details for poster presenters

Information for presenters of posters

Posters with odd numbers are shown during the poster session on Tuesday, March 15th (16:15 - 18:15) and  posters with even numbers are shown during the poster session on Wednesday, March 16th (16:30 - 18:30). There are no special slots per poster! 

Each poster presenter got an own room during the poster session where the poster is shown as a slide while explaining and discussing is possible. The upload links have been sent to the presenters via email on March 2nd 2022.

Please start your room using those login data on the respective day at the beginning of the poster session latestly. Find here a short manual how to act as the presenter: 

Manual for Big Blue Button for PRESENTERS 


You can also visit other posters during the poster session. Just use another browser tab to open a poster room via the explanation above - but please keep in mind that you can only talk and listen in ONE room! And don't forget to keep an eye on your own room so you don't miss a visitor there! 


Finally, some tipps for the poster itself: 

  • only PDF-files can be accepted
  • if you encounter problems and the PDF is not shown after upload, please try to print the file again from a PDF viewer (scaled to A4) - and try to upload it again 
  • ensure PDF-compatibility is set to  max 1.5 ( especially Mac's produce 1.7 by default)
  • file size is limited to 15 MB
  • landscape format is recommend
  • you can use your usual A0 poster templates (but you maybe need to scale to A4)
  • you can provide multiple pages for easier navigation
  • we recommend to use font sizes above 12 pt (for A4, tested with Arial, 28pt for A0) 
  • as you can imagine, there is no way to get more than a glimpse of a whole A0 poster on a 13'' screen - therefore, you will have to scroll the poster while explaining it. This means that about a third of the poster can be seen at the same time. Please keep this in mind when creating your poster!