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Mar 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Crystal structures of host-guest complexes of carboxylated pillar[5]arene with drugs

Mar 15, 2022, 3:24 PM
Young Crystallographers Lightning Talks(+poster) Young crystallographers Lightning Talks Young Crystallographers Lightning Talks


Helena Butkiewicz (Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences)


Crystal structure of the complexes of carboxylated pillar[5]arene, a water-soluble macrocyclic host, with guanidine and amidine drugs (eg. alexidine and pentamidine) provide important information on the host-guest interactions and self-assembly in the solid state. Such complexes can potentially be used in the design of drug delivery systems.

Primary author

Helena Butkiewicz (Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences)


Dr Oksana Danylyuk (Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences) Dr Volodymyr Sashuk (Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences) Sandra Kosiorek (Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials