Scientific Reports/ Articles
- headline: max. 100 characters (including spaces)
- abstract: max. 450 characters (including spaces)
- main text, including 1 subheading within the text: max. 2050 characters (including spaces)
- figure caption: 460 characters (including spaces)
- only one image/graph illustrating your results or one coloured picture (instrumental setup, scientists)
- max. 1 original reference
Scientific Highlights
- MS Word or Open Office
- font: Arial (Unicode MS) if possible
- typesetting and layout will be done by editorial team
- resolution of the pictures more than 250 dpi (so a typical 4x4 inch (~10x10cm) image should be at least 1000x1000 pixels or vector graphics)
- include figure caption in article
- send pictures/graphs as separate files (jpg, eps, pdf)