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March 24, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone
Grazing incidence scattering methods using neutrons provide unique opportunities in surface science. However, till now mostly specular neutron reflectometry is used to extract isotope densities or the magnetic induction profiles along the direction normal to interfaces. Off-specular and grazing incidence small angle scattering (GISANS) can provide additional information about correlations in the plane of interfaces. While off-specular scattering is easily implemented on existing neutron reflectometers, GISANS would benefit from dedicated instrumentation, as it has distinct requirements with respect to resolution and is flux hungry.
The European spallation source (ESS) has identified a dedicated GISANS instruments as one of their capability gaps and the Swedish research community has responded top this with a concerted effort to push for a project to design such an instrument. The Swedish research council is financing the design phase.
The SAGA satellite workshop brings together international scientists and officials to drive the development of a GISANS instrument for the ESS.  During this workshop the specifications of the instrument will be discussed and brought into context with different design options. Emphasis will be on practical experience with conducting GISANS experiments and their application on recent challenges in surface science.
During the workshop we offer the possibility for a visit of the MLZ and the instrument RefSANS, which is currently the only dedicated GISANS instrument in the world.
There is no registration fee for the meeting and lunch and dinner will be provided to registered participants. For site entrance a national ID or passport is required (drivers license etc. are not accepted).
The dinner is already on Thursday, March 23, at 19h at the "Neuwirt Garching" close to U6 stop Garching (centre). We are in the big hall - the entrance is not the main entrance to the restaurant but you enter from the yard / beer garden.
PLEASE also participate on our survey: https://forms.gle/vrtoJFz4h94S1nDu9
Current time table:

Thursday 23 March:
19:00 Dinner at NEUWIRT GARCHING

Friday 24 March:
at JCNS Building UYL on FRM-II campus (id cards needed for access)

9:00 Welcome
9:10 Niklas Ottosson: Welcome from VR

Session 1 (Science)
9.20-9:40 Peter Müller-Buschbaum: TOF-GISANS - challenges and opportunities

9:40-10:00 Rob DalgleishTOF GISANS at a short pulse source (ISIS TS2)

10:00-10:20 Marite Cardenas: Model cellular membranes: From flat to strongly curved structures
10:20-10:40 Jean Francois Moulin: TOF-GISANS at the MLZ Horizontal reflectometer Refsans

10:40 Coffee

Session 2 (Science Case)
11:00-11:15 Stephan Roth: Progress report: Instrument experts’ group 

11:15-11:30 Marite CardenasProgress report from the user community work group 

11:30-12:00 Max Wolff & Tommy Nylander Science case: Presentation & discussion of the basis of the science case for the proposal 

12:10 Lunch

Session 3 (lessons & complementarity of other projects/ideas)
13.30-13:50 Valentina Santoro: Hi-Beam update
13:50-14:10 Henrich Frielinghaus: HBS design
14:10-14:30 Artur Glavic: Resolution from focusing to enable high intensity GISANS, the HEKATE study

14:30 Coffee

Session 4 (SAGA)
14:50-15:40 Sebastian Köhler: SAGA technical update 
15:40-16:00: Jens Birch: Progress report: technical developments working group
16:00 Wrap up and discussion, future planning

Tour at MLZ (only for registered people)

UYL 04 20

For further questions please contact Henrich Frielinghaus