Thursday 23 March:
19:00 Dinner at NEUWIRT GARCHING
Friday 24 March:
at JCNS Building UYL on FRM-II campus (id cards needed for access)
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Niklas Ottosson: Welcome from VR
Session 1 (Science)
9.20-9:40 Peter Müller-Buschbaum: TOF-GISANS - challenges and opportunities
9:40-10:00 Rob Dalgleish: TOF GISANS at a short pulse source (ISIS TS2)
10:00-10:20 Marite Cardenas: Model cellular membranes: From flat to strongly curved structures
10:20-10:40 Jean Francois Moulin: TOF-GISANS at the MLZ Horizontal reflectometer Refsans
10:40 Coffee
Session 2 (Science Case)
11:00-11:15 Stephan Roth: Progress report: Instrument experts’ group
11:15-11:30 Marite Cardenas: Progress report from the user community work group
11:30-12:00 Max Wolff & Tommy Nylander Science case: Presentation & discussion of the basis of the science case for the proposal
12:10 Lunch
Session 3 (lessons & complementarity of other projects/ideas)
13.30-13:50 Valentina Santoro: Hi-Beam update
13:50-14:10 Henrich Frielinghaus: HBS design
14:10-14:30 Artur Glavic: Resolution from focusing to enable high intensity GISANS, the HEKATE study
14:30 Coffee
Session 4 (SAGA)
14:50-15:40 Sebastian Köhler: SAGA technical update
15:40-16:00: Jens Birch: Progress report: technical developments working group
16:00 Wrap up and discussion, future planning
Tour at MLZ (only for registered people)