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May 29 – 30, 2017
European Southern Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

The ALBA Open Day, a party for scientists and the general public

May 29, 2017, 4:40 PM
Eridanus (European Southern Observatory)


European Southern Observatory

85748 Garching Germany




ALBA is the Spanish synchrotron light source. Located near Barcelona, it is a complex of electron accelerators to emit synchrotron light in order to analyse matter at atomic and molecular levels. With eight operational beamlines and three more in construction, it hosts more than 1,300 researchers per year mainly from Spanish institutions but also from abroad. Since 2012, ALBA is celebrating every year the ALBA Open Day, which has become the flagship of the public engagement of the facility. More than 2,000 people are visiting the infrastructure during the day, running out the tickets some weeks before. ALBA becomes a kind of museum just for one day, transforming its beamlines and laboratories into hands-up games or exhibition areas. However, the key of its success relies in the high involvement of the staff (with almost half of them as volunteers). The collaborative organisation has improved the event turning it into a big science party. Some of these activities are a design competition for selecting the image of the event or a music band that consists of scientists and technicians, who cover famous songs for explaining the benefits and curiosities of synchrotron light. In this talk, a review of the activities addressed to the internal staff as well as the visitors will be done with the aim of showing how an event can joint both targets to share their passion for science.

Primary author



Dr Gastón García (ALBA Synchrotron, Deputy director)

Presentation materials