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May 29 – 30, 2017
European Southern Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

The EGU Blogs: an online platform for science communication

May 30, 2017, 12:05 PM
Telescopium (European Southern Observatory)


European Southern Observatory

85748 Garching Germany


Dr Barbara Ferreira (European Geosciences Union)Dr Laura Roberts (European Geosciences Union)


The European Geosciences Union (EGU) Blogs host the official blog of the EGU, GeoLog, as well as a network of blogs in the Earth, planetary and space sciences aimed at fostering a diverse community of geoscientist bloggers. The site also hosts a selection of blogs from the EGU scientific divisions, which share division-specific news, events, and activities, as well as updates on the latest research in their field. The aim of this project is to offer blogging researchers an online platform to share their insights with other scientists and, importantly, to distil complex and often misunderstood concepts so they are easier to understand for the general public. After a brief introduction, the presentation will focus on how the EGU Blogs are used for the purposes of science communication and on the challenges faced when running a diverse blog network. The EGU Blogs have the support of the EGU Outreach Committee and are made possible thanks to the work of volunteer bloggers. We are grateful for the help of Sara Mynott, former EGU Communications Officer, and Robert Barsch, EGU System Administrator and Webmaster, in this project.

Primary author

Dr Laura Roberts (European Geosciences Union)


Dr Barbara Ferreira (European Geosciences Union)

Presentation materials