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May 29 – 30, 2017
European Southern Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

Is it possible to design effective educational outreach programs that will meet the requirements of a large organization, provide value to the local community, and be adaptable for and/or useful to international partners?

May 30, 2017, 2:45 PM
Telescopium (European Southern Observatory)


European Southern Observatory

85748 Garching Germany


Ms Sandra Dawson (TMT International Observatory)


For the past eight years, the TMT International Observatory has conducted an outreach program, focused on Hawaii Island, the planned site for the observatory. We designed a program to help meet Hawaii Island’s educational and workforce development needs, and to demonstrate the project’s commitment to the local community. However, as the TIO partnership expanded to include five countries we have been expanding and increasingly focusing our outreach efforts on education, outreach, and workforce development that will involve all our partner countries. TIO has assembled an international team to help with choosing and designing outreach programs that will not only be effective in Hawaii, but also meet some of the needs of our partner organizations in Canada, China, India, Japan and the US. A review of some of our early efforts provides some guidance and direction on how to merge the divergent goals.

Primary author

Ms Sandra Dawson (TMT International Observatory)


Dr Gordon Squires (Caltech/IPAC - TMT) Prof. Janesse Brewer (23.4 Degrees)

Presentation materials