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May 29 – 30, 2017
European Southern Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

INFRAFRONTIER - Communication in a challenging public environment

May 30, 2017, 4:05 PM
Telescopium (European Southern Observatory)


European Southern Observatory

85748 Garching Germany
Interactive format Interactive parallel session 7


Dr Michael Raess (INFRAFRONTIER GmbH)


INFRAFRONTIER is the European research infrastructure for the generation, phenotyping, archiving and distribution of model mammalian genomes. It advances our understanding of human health and disease by providing mouse disease models and related data to biomedical researchers worldwide. The topic of animal experimentation meets a lot of scepticism in the general public: while many acknowledge that they directly profit from the contribution of animal experiments to our understanding of how human diseases develop and how we can treat them, others are outright hostile to the very idea of animal research. This mixed public perception also affects the reception of the main target groups of INFRAFRONTIER's communication: potential scientific users, funders and politicians. INFRAFRONTIER addresses this challenge with a communication strategy that (1) stresses the general value of animal experimentation in biomedical research and (2) specifically emphasises the INFRAFRONTIER approach to this topic: Providing centralised high quality resources to promote responsible animal research, the principle of the 3R (reduction, replacement, refinement), and our own "INFRAFRONTIER Rs" reliability, responsibility and reproducibility.

Primary author

Dr Michael Raess (INFRAFRONTIER GmbH)

Presentation materials