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May 27 – 28, 2024
Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft
Europe/Berlin timezone

From IN6 to SHARP then SHARPER

May 27, 2024, 11:55 AM
Seminar room 3 (1st floor, north building) (Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft)

Seminar room 3 (1st floor, north building)

Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft

Rieder Straße 70 82211 Herrsching am Ammersee
Invited Talk Presentations


Jean-Marc Zanotti (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin CEA-CNRS)


Starting in 2017, IN6 has been operated by a LLB as a CRG and the design of a brand new IN6 secondary spectrometer. This was the SHARP (Spectromètre Hybride Alpe Région Parisienne) project. On March 2021, the first neutrons have enlightened the brand-new instrument. From 2021 to 2024, the primary spectrometer has been fully redesigned and built and the instrument is now SHARPER (SHARP Etendu en Résolution). We introduce this new spectrometer to come online in June 2024.

Primary author

Jean-Marc Zanotti (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin CEA-CNRS)

Presentation materials

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