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23–26 Jun 2025
Seminarhaus Grainau
Europe/Berlin timezone

The directorate of MLZ would like to continue the exchange among the employees. The main subject this year is how to prepare the restart of the user operation. 

The venue will be again Grainau next to the Zugspitze. The seminar will take place in the Seminarhaus-Grainau (www.seminarhaus-grainau.de) with high level standard rooms (and WLAN). We will have mostly single rooms for the participants.  Organized busses will depart from FRM-2 and serve for the return. Independent travelers can also use public transportation to Grainau (DB-Stop Untergrainau+ Taxi or Stop Zugspitzbahn Grainau + 10 minutes to walk). We think that scientific exchange must also take place within a relaxed atmosphere, therefore there will be room for discussions after dinner while having a drink. An after dinner scientific talk will open up for broader perspectives and an excursion and a conference dinner will also take place.

Seminarhaus Grainau
Alpspitzstr. 6, 82491 Grainau
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.