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4–7 Jun 2019
Arabella Brauneck Hotel
Europe/Berlin timezone
Abstract submission and registration open until Wednesday, 29th May.

Magnetic Skyrmions – Novel spin textures for spintronics functionalities

6 Jun 2019, 09:30
Arabella Brauneck Hotel

Arabella Brauneck Hotel

Münchner Str. 25 83661 Lenggries
Keynote Quantum theories of spin-structures and spin-textures Dynamics of magnetic textures: domain walls, vortices and Skyrmions


Stefan Bluegel (Forschungszentrum Juelich)


In this talk I give an overview primarily on chiral magnetic skyrmions – two-dimensionally localized topological magnetization solitons – in B20 magnets, films of B20 magnets, transition-metal films and heterostructures. Taking a multiscale approach from quantum mechanics of electrons, over atomistic spinmodels to micromagnetism, I draw a line of thought from the electronic structure, to the spin-orbit interaction, the magnetic spin-texture, the stability of skyrmions, and to their coexistence with antiskyrmions and bobbers. I discuss the potential and the role of Heisenberg-type exchange frustration for the properties of skyrmions followed by the recent progress made in the field of skyrmionics, i.e. skyrmions as entity of information, which have to fit to the field of spintronics, in size, ambient temperature, injection, transport, detection and manipulation at reasonable fields and currents. I look into the materials dimensions for skyrmions, the choice of heterostructures of synthetic antiferromagnets, the role of interfaces and the role of impurities. I look into the topological orbital moment of skyrmions, the Hall effects and the tunneling spin-mixing magneto-resistance as means of single skyrmion detection. Skyrmions might be only the beginning of localized magnetization textures. I may give a perspective of three-dimensional magnetic textures localized on the nanometer scale.

Primary author

Stefan Bluegel (Forschungszentrum Juelich)

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