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8–11 Jun 2021 Online only
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Following the diffusive processes during a non-classical protein crystallization via neutron spectroscopy

9 Jun 2021, 13:00
Poster Protein structure, function and dynamics Poster Session


Christian Beck (Universität Tübingen)


Following molecular dynamics during the temporary evolution of kinetically changing samples is a major challenge. With recent developments of analysis frameworks, accessing the short-time self-diffusive properties of protein solutions by measuring specific energy transfers via neutron backscattering, kinetically changing samples can be investigated. The immobile fraction, determined by multi-dimensional fits of full QENS spectra, can be assigned to proteins in a gel-like state or in crystals [1]. Using time-dependent neutron spin echo measurements at different momentum transfers q, we access the collective diffusion during the crystallization process in different phases of the sample.
Here, we discuss the results of a recent protein crystallization study. CdCl2 induces a non-classical crystallization process [2,3] of BLG with a metastable intermediate phase. We investigated the short-time collective and self-diffusion of BLG by neutron spin-echo (IN11), FWS and QENS (IN16b), respectively, of the crystallization process for different sample conditions. Combining the different results, a consistent picture of the process can be obtained, which differs significantly from classical BLG crystallization induced by ZnCl2[1]. This implies a strong influence of seemingly subtle cation-specific effects on protein crystallization.
[1]C. Beck et al., Cryst. Growth Des. 2019
[2]A. Sauter et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015
[3]A. Sauter et.al., Faraday Discuss. 2015

Primary authors

Christian Beck (Universität Tübingen) Fajun Zhang (University of Tuebingen) Olga Matsarskaia Tilo Seydel (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin) Prof. Frank Schreiber (Uni Tübingen, Angewandte Physik) Felix Roosen-Runge Ralph Maier

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