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18–22 Jul 2016
Hotel Wyndham Grand Axelmannstein, Bad Reichenhall, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Neutron spin-echo spectroscopy: a tool for energy research

19 Jul 2016, 16:50
2h 40m
Hotel Wyndham Grand Axelmannstein, Bad Reichenhall, Germany

Hotel Wyndham Grand Axelmannstein, Bad Reichenhall, Germany

Salzburger Str. 2-6 83453 Bad Reichenhall
Board: 30


Dr Michael Monkenbusch (FZF, JCNS-1)


Present and upcoming research facilities allowing very high resolution neutron spectroscopy to analyze transport processes in energy materials are presented and their potential is discussed. Among the in particular the possible future use of the refurbish J-NSE and the instrument at SNS as well as aspects of upcoming wide-angle NSE are addresses. Applications range from ion (H) transport in electrolytes for fule cells and batteries to diffusion in storage materials.

Primary author

Dr Michael Monkenbusch (FZF, JCNS-1)


Olaf Holderer Dr Oxana Ivanova (Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH Outstation at MLZ)

Presentation materials

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