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2–3 Sept 2016
Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) - Technische Universität München (TUM)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Science from IRIS and OSIRIS

2 Sept 2016, 16:20


Dr Franz Demmel (ISIS facility)


IRIS and OSIRIS are the cold neutron spectroscopy work horses at the ISIS Facility. Both spectrometers are applying a near backscattering geometry and hence do not achieve the very high energy resolution of classical backscattering spectrometers. However, they offer a unique combination of high resolution and wide dynamic range, which opened avenues into new applications. These instruments currently support a productive scientific community using quasielastic and low-energy inelastic neutron scattering techniques. The range of science covers for example areas from low energy spectroscopy in correlated electron systems to studies on the dynamics in energy relevant materials and dynamics of biological macromolecules.

Primary author

Dr Franz Demmel (ISIS facility)

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