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Dec 7 – 8, 2021 Online only
Europe/Berlin timezone



Dec 8, 2021, 9:00 AM


Plenary: Plenary I

  • Henrich Frielinghaus (JCNS)

Plenary: Plenary II

  • Ralph Gilles

Plenary: Plenary III

  • Martin Müller (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht)
  • Peter Müller-Buschbaum (1 Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Physik, Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Materialien, James-Franck-Str.1, 85748 Garching, Germany 2 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstr. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany)

Presentation materials

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Tommy Nylander (Lund University)
12/8/21, 4:45 PM
Plenary talk
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Wiebke Lohstroh (MLZ - Technische Universität München)
12/8/21, 3:45 PM
Plenary talk

The photon and neutron science community encompasses users from a broad range of scientific disciplines. With the advent of high speed detectors and increasingly complex instrumentation, the user community faces a common need for high-level, rapid data analysis and the challenge of implementing research data management for increasingly large and complex datasets. The aim of DAPHNE4NFDI is to...

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Walter Richtering (RWTH Aachen)
12/8/21, 9:30 AM
Plenary talk

Microgels are macromolecular networks swollen by the solvent they are dissolved in. They are unique systems that are distinctly different from common colloids, such as, e.g., rigid nanoparticles, flexible macromolecules, micelles or vesicles. When swollen, they are soft and have a fuzzy surface with dangling chains and the presence of cross-links provides structural integrity - in contrast to...

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Martin Müller (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), Peter Müller-Buschbaum (TU München, Physik-Department, LS Funktionelle Materialien)
12/8/21, 9:00 AM
Plenary talk
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Christian Felder
12/8/21, 4:05 PM
Plenary talk

The COVID-19 crisis has created new challenges worldwide. On the plus side, it has been a catalyst for digitalization, also at the MLZ. Besides providing remote access to our instrument control- and data analysis systems, online training has become increasingly important. In January 2021, the first lab course with students were carried out online, using so-called Digital Twins. A Digital Twin...

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Lisa Fruhner (JCNS-1, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
12/8/21, 4:25 PM
Plenary talk

Neutron scattering experiments involving soft matter materials often require specific contrast to observe different parts of the materials. In order to increase the availability of deuterium labelled materials, we are currently establishing deuteration support to MLZ users. Our main synthetic focus at the JCNS-1 is in the area of polymers and ethoxylation (e.g. surfactants). We have recently...

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Prof. Joao Cabral (Imperial College London)
12/8/21, 1:15 PM
Plenary talk

Highly crosslinked polyamide (PA) membranes are extensively used in water purification and desalination by reverse osmosis (RO). The talk will present an overview of our recent work on the structure and dynamics of PA membranes, with a combination of neutron and X-ray reflectivity, and neutron spectroscopy. The membranes were synthesised by established interfacial polymerisation routes of...

Building timetable...