This will be the first call for deuteration proposals for the deuteration service of the JCNS. Next to providing you with a chance to obtain deuterated materials from us, it will also test our capacities, the proposal infrastructure and the review system.
The following paragraphs will explain in detail how the procedure for proposals and reviews works and what you need to do.
Overview about the proposal and review process
The whole process is very similar to the process leading to neutron beamtime at MLZ. First of all, you need to wire a proposal stating your needs as well as the scientific value by the deuteration chemists and for scientific importance by those external reviewers who would also evaluate your beamtime proposals in the according track (e.g. soft matter, biology ...).
The outcome will allow us to rank the proposals and allocate "synthesis time" accordingly. Similar to the time restrictions of neutron scattering instruments, our time to fulfill deuteration request is also limited. You will then be notified about the result an we can plan the timeframe of your work regarding your project together with you.
Please note: Before writing a proposal, contact the deuteration service! You do not wish to spend time writing a good proposal only to find out it was rejected because of unfeasibility!
How to submit a proposal via Indico
In contrast to neutron beamtime proposals which are handled within GhOST at the MLZ, our first call will use the resources offered by the Indico system, an environment you might be familiar with from taking part in one of the MLZ's regular events. As this system is designed to cater the needs of conferences and other events, some terms used by it might be confusing. In this case, the "event" is the first call for deuteration proposals as given as the title above and your "abstract" will be deuteration proposal you submit to us.
However, to submit an abstract you first need to register on this website ("Register for submission") to make sure that we have all the contact information we need to get in touch with you.
Afterwards, please fill in all the necessary information at "Submit your proposal".
To confirm the successful proposal submission, you and your co-authors will receive an email by the system.