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1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

How it works

The following paragraphs will explain in detail how the procedure for proposals and reviews works and what you need to do.

Overview of the proposal process

The whole process is very similar to the process leading to neutron beamtime at MLZ. First, you'll need to write a proposal stating your needs, the scientific value for the deuteration chemists, and scientific importance. No additional scientific review will be conducted if you have already been granted beamtime. 

Please note: Before writing a proposal, contact the deuteration service! You do not wish to spend time writing a good proposal only to find out it was rejected because of unfeasibility!

How to submit a proposal via Indico

In contrast to neutron beamtime proposals handled within GhOST at the MLZ, our deuteration call will use the resources offered by the Indico system, an environment you might be familiar with from participating in one of the MLZ's regular events. As this system is designed to cater to the needs of conferences and other events, some terms it uses might need to be clarified. In this case, the "event" is the first call for deuteration proposals, as given in the title above, and your "abstract" will be the deuteration proposal you submit to us.

However, to submit an abstract, you first need to register on this website ("Register for submission") to ensure that we have all the contact information we need to contact you.

Afterward, please complete all the necessary information at "Submit your proposal."

Please select the track "Deuteration Service" within the proposal form - otherwise your proposal will get stuck in the system! 

To confirm that the proposal has been successfully submitted, you and your co-authors will receive an email from the system.