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4–5 Dec 2023
Munich Marriott Hotel
Europe/Berlin timezone

Using polarized 3He to probe 3-body interactions

5 Dec 2023, 14:00


Board: P-005
Poster Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics Poster Session


Earl Babcock


Low n nuclei with spin are important for understanding spin-dependent portions of 3-body interactions. These three body forces account for about 5% of the nuclear biding energy, but are poorly experimentally constrained. The binding energy of 4He for example can only be predicted to about 1% with current theoretical calculations. The polarized n-3He system can be used to probe these interactions with precision measurements of the associated cross sections. We have been following a two tiered path. First is to improve the accuracy of the n-3He incoherent scattering cross section bi though neutron spin-echo measutments, and second is to attempt to measure explicitly the polarized n-3He absorption cross section σp (or absolute 3He polarimetry) which is needed for an absolute determination of b_i. Recent experiments to measure bi were performed at the SNS-NSE with data analysis ongoing, and measurements of σp are planned for the spring at ISIS.

Primary authors

Earl Babcock Hao Lu (Indiana University Bloomington) Sepehr Samiei (Indiana University Blooington) W. Michael Snow (Indiana University Bloomington) zahir salhi (JCNS)

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