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4–5 Dec 2023
Munich Marriott Hotel
Europe/Berlin timezone

MARIA – The high-intensity polarized neutron reflectometer of JCNS

5 Dec 2023, 14:00


Board: P-054
Poster Neutron Methods Poster Session


Alexandros Koutsioumpas (JCNS)


The high-intensity reflectometer MARIA of JCNS is installed at the neutron guide hall of the FRM II reactor in Garching and it is a state of the art reflectometer at a constant flux reactor. It gives the opportunity to investigate specular reflectivity curves in a broad dynamic range including off-specular scattering and GISANS measurements. The availability of a polarised neutron beam and the integration of a time-stable ³He polarization spin filter based on Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP), together with a multitude of offered sample environments permits the use of the instrument in a wide range of studies ranging from nano-magnetism to biology. In this contribution we highlight the technical aspects of the instrument and also the potential research opportunities it gives to the user.

Primary authors

Alexandros Koutsioumpas (JCNS) Stefan Mattauch (FZ-Juelich) Dr Sabine Pütter (Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS at MLZ, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH) Earl Babcock zahir salhi (JCNS) Alexander Ioffe (JCNS) Thomas Brückel (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

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