Following the discovery of a quantum-limit magnetic Chern phase in TbMn6Sn6, and the observation of a large topological Hall effect (THE) related to the field-induced magnetic phases in YMn6Sn6, the magnetic topological metal series RMn6Sn6 (R=Gd-Yb, and Y, Lu), that possess an ideal kagome lattice of Mn, have emerged as a new platform to explore exotic states and novel functionalities. We...
Quantum materials have been playing a crucial role in the development of next-generation technologies and devices, including quantum computers. Such materials are usually prepared under laboratory conditions. However, some naturally occurring minerals have also been found to feature complex magnetic ground states, such as Henmilite [1] or Herbertsmithite [5,6]. They possess spin ½ Cu ions,...
The La1-xPrxCrO3 compounds with x = 0.8, 0.85, and 0.87 exhibit the intriguing negative magnetization (NM) state below the compensation temperature, TCOMP. While only positive magnetization is found for x = 0.9 compound below its magnetic ordering temperature. An anomalous dc magnetization behavior is observed for these compounds. A maximum dc magnetization is found for x = 0.8 compound, after...
Pyrochlore antiferromagnets (AFM) Gd2T2O7 (T: tetravalent metal elements) are prototypical materials for realizing classical spin liquid states. However, all of them have been observed to show long-range magnetic order [1-3]. Previous specific heat data of Gd2Hf2O7 show a tiny sharp peak on the top of a large broad maximum indicating a long-range AFM order [4]. However, our sample does not...
Using neutron diffraction, the magnetic fluctuations are investigated near the phase transition to a long-range ordered incommensurate cycloid spin spiral in the antiferromagnetic insulator Ba2CuGe2O7. We find that these fluctuations possess a two-dimensional character and, as a consequence, cover an extended cylindrical manifold in reciprocal space. Their distribution can be explained with a...
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically stabilized spin configurations on the nanoscale which makes them promising for next-generation information storage technologies and computing. [1,2] In magnetic multilayers, they can be stabilized at room temperature [3]. Skyrmions emerge due to an interplay between several magnetic contributions. Among them the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction...
The structural coexistence of dual rigid and mobile sublattices in superionic Argyrodites yields ultralow lattice thermal conductivity along with decent electrical and ionic conductivities and therefore attracts intense interest for batteries, fuel cells, and thermoelectric applications. However, a comprehensive understanding of their underlying lattice and diffusive dynamics in terms of the...
The study of geometrically frustrated systems with antiferromagnetically ordered spins on a two-dimensional lattice has recently gained considerable attention for their exotic quantum magnetic properties. In order to explore effects related to quantum magnetism we recently focused our attention to Na2BaMn(PO4)2. So far previous works on the isostructural Na2BaCo(PO4)2, a Co spin-1/2 compound...
The modification of epitaxial layers through hydrogenation is a thriving field of research that offers diverse opportunities to tune the physical properties of different systems. Recent research has been extended to correlated oxide interfaces, where hydrogen induced, reversible metal-to-insulator transitions have been uncovered in material systems such as rare-earth nickelates [1-2]. Neutron...