Texture School 2023 @ MLZ
This texture course is intended to introduce the basics of crystallographic textures, pole figures and orientation distribution functions (ODFs). It contains also the principles of data treatment to derive pole figures from neutron diffraction and imaging, X-ray, high energy synchrotron and EBSD measurements. Hands-on practical in current data evaluation software will be given, key aspects of texture in practical engineering and particular scientific areas will be introduced. Particular attention will be paid here to the importance of texture in modern materials science and the qualitative interpretation of texture data for practical purposes.
- Prof. Heinz-Günter Brokmeier ( TU Clausthal & Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Heinz-Guenter-Brokmeier )
- Prof. Claude Esling (University of Lorraine, France, https://research.com/u/claude-esling )
- Dr. Yudong Zhang (University of Lorraine, France, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yudong-Zhang-11)
- Dr. Florencia Malamud (Paul Scherrer Institute, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Florencia-Malamud-2
- Dr. Weimin Gan (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Weimin-Gan)

A guided tour to visit the advanced neutron facilities at MLZ / FRM II will be organized.
On Tuesday evening, a get-together dinner will take place at a Bavarian restaurant.
Directions and Map to Garching Research Campus can be found below.
We are looking forward to welcome you as participant in our course!