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May 29 – 30, 2017
European Southern Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

Opening new windows on science

May 29, 2017, 5:40 PM
Eridanus (European Southern Observatory)


European Southern Observatory

85748 Garching Germany


Mr Christopher Buratta (UK Science and Technology Facilities Council)


Science opens new windows on the world, but we must open new windows on science if we are to engage hard to reach audiences and improve diversity. Research has the responsibility of addressing the 21st Century’s global challenges in healthcare, security and energy and it will need to draw on the widest possible talent pool to achieve success. STFC is evolving existing programmes and developing a new campaign to increase the aspiration of STEM careers in key audience (8-13-year-olds) and improve the diversity balance of those undertaking post-16 STEM education or training. Research has shown there are a number of established factors contributing to low STEM career aspiration in key groups despite high level of STEM interest. A new communications campaign will address these factors and promote positive examples of team science, encouraging the audience to explore the diverse roles within the science and innovation environment. Its key aim will be to break the “not for me” barrier with regard to STEM career aspirations and take our science to traditionally hard to reach audiences. In this session: • We want to share how the campaign objectives and target audience have been developed using readily available research and insight. • We want to show how we have developed a visual identity for the campaign and used low cost methods to test reactions. • We want to discuss some of the ways we are utilising existing channels and opportunities to roll out the campaign.

Primary authors

Mr Christopher Buratta (UK Science and Technology Facilities Council) Mr Terence O'CONNOR (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

Presentation materials