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May 29 – 30, 2017
European Southern Observatory
Europe/Berlin timezone

Looking good

May 30, 2017, 10:45 AM
Eridanus (European Southern Observatory)


European Southern Observatory

85748 Garching Germany


Mrs Fabienne Landua (CERN)


The visual image we project carries an important message about CERN to the world and, as our visibility grows, it is increasingly important for that message to be that CERN is a modern organisation with a clear vision and mission.That is why we have developed a set of visual identity tools. These include a graphic charter, which defines the guidelines for constructing our visual identity, built  around the CERN logo, a brand book which is an overview document describing our identity position, but also animations. Our 2D and 3D animations are widely used in CERN’s exhibitions to visualise the invisible and turn complex technical information into engaging content.

Primary author

Mrs Fabienne Landua (CERN)

Presentation materials