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14–15 Mar 2024
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), TU München
Europe/Berlin timezone

Level of automation in lab and large-scale facility experiments display enourmous increase in recent decades, where progress in diffraction studies of various kind is very remarkable. Relevance for automation in diffraction is driven by a multitude of reasons, ranging from improving efficiency in data collection and analysis, mail in and remote experiments to enabling more advanced and complex studies.

In order to adress them, we organise one day „noon-to-noon“ Workshop „Automation in Diffraction“ taking place in Garching b. München on March, 14-15, 2024. The goal is to gather diffraction specialists and to discuss the challenges and solution strategies towards automation in diffraction experiments with respect to increase of instrumental throughput, enhancement of rapid and remote access as well as mail in services in diffraction applications.

Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), TU München
Lichtenbergstraße 2 a, 85748 Garching
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.