Dr. Tom Crosskey (HZB) “Automation at the MX beamlines of BESSY II”
Dr. Wout De Nolf (ESRF - Data Automation Unit) "EWOKS: a Meta Workflow System"
Dr. Celine Durniak (ESS) “Powder Diffraction data processing at the European Spallation Source”
Dr. Zoltan Hegedues (P21.2, DESY) “Automated data processing and feedback pipeline at Swedish Materials Science beamline”
Dr. Anna Herlihy (I15-1, DIAMOND) "A high-throughput sample mounting, mail-in and metadata system for pair distribution function measurements"
Dr. Christoph Hauf (FIREPOD, FRMII) “Automated sample change systems for thermal neutron powder diffractometers at the FRMII"
Dr. Bernd Hinrichsen (BASF) "Synchrotron Powder Diffraction in High Throughput"
Dr. Christina Hofmann (TOPAZ, SNS) “Automation for kinetic studies“
Dr. Michael Hofmann (STRESS-SPEC, FRMII) "High-Precision Visual Servoing for the Neutron Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC at FRM II"
Dr. Mads Ry Jørgensen (MaxIV) “Flexible and fast analysis during in situ experiments”
J. Krüger (FRM II) “Automation in instrument control with NICOS ”
Dr. Martin Meven (RWTH Aachen) “Adaptive Data Acquisition at the Hot Single Crystal Diffractometer HEiDi”
Dr. Helena Taberman (P11, DESY) "Automation at Macromolecular Crystallography - The High-Throughput Beamline P11 at PETRA III"
Dr. Brian Toby (APS) "In the beginning: Envisioning mail-in diffraction at 11-BM"
Dr. Jo-Chi Tseng (SPring-8) BL08W and BL04B2 beamlines at SPring-8”
Dr. Michael Wharmby (Bruker) "Reliability and High-Throughput: Applying Automation to Mass Produced as well as Tailormade Diffractometers"