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5–6 Dec 2024
Munich Marriott Hotel
Europe/Berlin timezone

CREScent: characterization and advances

6 Dec 2024, 13:45


Board: P-062
Poster Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics Poster Session


Alberto José Saavedra García (Atominstitut - TU Wien)


The PERC (Proton and Electron Radiation Channel) experiment is part of the new generation of high-precision measurements of angular correlations in neutron beta decay. Among the different approaches, the CRES (Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy) technique is a perfect match for PERC, given it provides a highly precise frequency-based electron spectroscopy and it is non-destructive. The CREScent experiment is a proof-of-principle experiment, aiming to combine the CRES-technique with the signal amplification qualities of a RF cavity, naturally compensating for the extremely weak power of the expected radiation pulses. In order to do so, a proper characterization of the cavity, electron beam and magnetic field, as well as their interactions, must be performed.

Primary author

Alberto José Saavedra García (Atominstitut - TU Wien)


Hartmut Abele (Vienna University of Technology) Irina Pradler (ATI - TU Wien) Johannes Schilberg (Atominstitut Technische Universität Wien)

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