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Apr 3 – 4, 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

The annual DGM-SF2M symposium offers a platform for scientific exchange on the latest developments in the investigation of the texture and anisotropy in materials. Preferred topics of the symposium are

  • Methodological developments using x-rays, neutrons and electrons.     
  • Texture of high entropy materials.
  • Texture of additively manufactured components. 
  • Fundamentals and simulation of texture.
  • Texture related topics.

The symposium will be held on  (tba). Attendance is free of charge, but registration is needed for organization issue. 


A tour to visit MLZ neutron facility will be organized for a limited number. Registration is necessary !


UYL 03 22a/b - JCNS Meeting room
Lichtenbergstrasse 1, D-85747 Garching
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Registration for this event is currently open.